I´m Travassos a designer and improviser. I play tapes, amplified objects, cracklebox, circuit bending among other things.
Some people say Portuguese like to improvise in everything they do, maybe it´s true. In my case i love it, we have so many planed things, so many rules in life. So everytime i have a chance to do it, to create something in real time, things just seems to turn perfect – freedom is on –
Somehow improvisation as his secrets, it´s not so linear aftherall, the risk of faillure is always there, probably is what makes the feeling so intense.
Sometime ago i recorded my first record with CMYK for Cãoceito, and since then i have played and recorded with a lot of nice people, such as : Manuel Mota, António Contador, Rafael Toral, Sei Miguel, Nuno Rebelo, Ernesto Rodrigues, Heddy Boubaker, Patrick Brennan, Adriana Sá, Rodrigo Amado, Bryan Eubanks, Nush Werchowska etc....
Last year i´ve done, together with Carlos Santos, a soundtrack for a short film about Portuguese arquitecture "Habitar Portugal" presented in Biennale de Venezia 2006.
But what i really love most it´s the way dog barks. Bless the dog
note: CMYK was our 5th project. You can see how it looks here: http://www.caoceito.com/ . The illustration above is also by Travassos.