There are good dogs and bad dogs: fortunately, I haven't met so many bad dogs- the kind of dogs which have ugly features; who don't love life, and are always trying to exterminate all positive aspects of life and love that pass near them. Fortunately, I have loved my own life and I have met some crazy lovers in my life: one of them, is Cãoceito dog that lives his life fully; blessing every second; breathing every moment out of life; enjoying each heartbeat as if it were the first.
Cãoceito lives by his ethic of celebrating life and love, and he does that by creating live monuments (to love), colouring and giving shape to life! He fullfils his life by coloring the lives and love of others!
Thank dog i've met good dogs in my life!
Pedro Oliveira
note: Pedro Oliveira, also known as Cid, is member of THE ROSE BUTTONS, which was our 3rd graphic and packaging project. He is a philosophy graduate currently working in gracia-territori sonor, which is a non-profit association responsible, among other things, for Barcelona based LEM's International Festival of Experimental Music's. The wonderful photo was taken by João Cordeiro.